广东顺为化工有限公司由暨南大学校友创办,位于中国广东省“石油化工基地”茂名市。公司借助各国的资源性产品供应链协同,以醋酸钠为核心产品,凭借着自身的资源优势、技术及人脉优势迅速得以发展和壮大。目前顺为化工所服务的客户有粤海水务、贵州水务、广业集团、广东广青、珠投集团、中科绿能等大型集团单位;同时所代理进口的醋酸钠销售遍布中国各经济大省,如广东、广西、浙江、江苏、福建、贵州、上海等。 广东顺为化工有限公司有自己的一套经营管理理念,即:资源整合、科学管理、铸造精品、诚信服务,我们愿同各国朋友广泛合作,共同创造更加辉煌的业绩。 Maoming Shunwei Chemical Co. , Ltd. , is located in coastal Maoming City, Guangdong Province. Taking advantages of Maoming’s petrochemical industry and world wide chemicals resourcing, our company had grown rapidly by the technical support of College of Chemicals and Materials, China Jinan University. Sales network of our main product Sodium Acetate has expanded to many China cities, including those in Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guizhou, Shanghai, and so on. Our renowned customers include China Yuehai Water, China Guizhou Water, China Guangye Group, China Environment Protection and Energy Conservation Group, and many other large-sized groups. As an alumni of Jinan University, our founder Mr. Huang had created his own operation and management mode, which is Resource Integration, Scientific Management, Higher-quality Goods, Integrity Services. We look forward to reach a win-win success with friends all over the world.